‘NCIS’: 4 Temmuz Tatili için WE TV’de 2 Günlük ‘NCIS’ Maratonuna Hazır Olun

NCIS is on hiatus until the fall, but that doesn’t mean you can’t watch episodes. We TV announced the station will be airing a two-day NCIS marathon for the July 4th holiday. Here’s everything Showbiz Cheat Sheet knows.
‘NCIS’ is a spinoff of ‘JAG’

NCIS has been on CBS since 2003. The series started as a backdoor pilot on JAG. The JAG episodes that helped introduce NCIS aired in two parts.These episodes are titled “Ice Queen” and “Meltdown.” This is known as a “backdoor pilot” since a new show is being introduced within an existing show.

During JAG Season 8, fans are first introduced to Gibbs, Abby, and the rest of the team. “In these Season 8 episodes, viewers were introduced to what would become the core cast of NCIS as they not only work to solve the m***er of a lieutenant but also try to thwart a terrorist a****ck,” reports TV Guide.
A 2-day ‘NCIS’ marathon on We TV

If you’re just becoming acquainted with NCIS or you’re a long-time fan and want to go down memory lane, you’ve got a treat coming your way. We TV announced they will run a two-day NCIS marathon starting July 4. Now, you can spend your holiday weekend with your favorite agents.
The ‘Gibbs head slap’ on ‘NCIS’

One thing you’ll see a lot on NCIS is the “Gibbs head slap.” Whenever DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) said something Gibbs didn’t like, he would slap him on the back of the head. Weatherly tells USA Today Mark Harmon would hit him pretty hard. He also had to endure these head slaps at least 30 times during the filming of a single episode.

“It’s important to remember a couple of things,” says Weatherly. “Mark Harmon did play football, kind of college level, as a quarterback. He’s has a very strong throwing arm. So, there was a certain degree of speed that would take place. When you watch [the head slap] it only happens once. But when we shoot it, as you are well aware, we might do it 30 or 40 times.”

How did the head slap become a thing on NCIS? During an interview with Festival de Television de Monte Carlo, Weatherly shared how the “Gibbs head slap” became part of the show.

Weatherly, ”Bir aktörle diyalog kurdum; belki de üçüncü ya da dördüncü bölümdü, birinci sezon” diyor. “Ve arka plandaydım ve herhangi bir diyaloğum yoktu. Setin arka planında çalışan bir kıza fısıldıyordum.”

Görünüşe göre Harmon, Weatherly’nin dikkatinin dağılmasından memnun değilmiş. İş arkadaşının işe odaklanmasını istedi. ”Ve aniden, [Mark Harmon] geldi ve kafamın arkasına vurdu,” diye devam ediyor Weatherly. “Ve herkes şok oldu. Ve bastılar. Yapımcılar görüntüleri izlediler. Güldüler çünkü komikti. Gerçi o gün orada olan kimseye gerçekten komik gelmiyordu çünkü başım beladaydı. Ve şovun bir parçası oldu.”